Adoption: Getting Started
About Adoption
Angelheart children are in need of love, security, and stability… a place to call home. Imagine the impact you can have by offering a lifetime of love and care to one of these kids. At Angelheart, our priority is serving the youth and families experiencing foster care. The Department of Family and Protective Services’ mission is to keep families together; a goal Angelheart also supports. Family reunification is prioritized; however, it is not always possible. In these cases, children are eligible for and in need of an adoptive home. If you have a heart for serving older children, sibling groups, and/or children with special needs, you can view waiting children by visiting Texas Adoption Resources Exchange or Heart Gallery of Central Texas. Families interested in adoption will need to complete the foster to adopt licensure process.
Straight Adopt:
Angelheart offers a unique licensure option for relatives who are caring for children in the conservatorship of the State of Texas whose parental rights have already been terminated. This licensure process is less extensive than the foster to adopt licensure, though allows a family to be eligible for available adoption subsidies. Consider this a “fast track” to permanency for your family!